Back then, I wasn't completely sure what direction I wanted to take with my blog. My life was much more complicated back during that time as I transitioned into my new role as a mother and wife. Slowly, my little blog began to fall further and further down my list of priorities until eventually it became this little thing I was no longer committing my time to.
I guess a part of me knew that at some point, I would dust it off and give it another try. But the perfectionist in me wanted to make sure that whenever I did...I did it right. I've learned a lot over the years. And my journey as a mom starting seven years ago looks completely different now. Although I'm still that same mom just winging this thing and figuring it out as I go, I have some experiences under my belt that's molded my perspective of motherhood.
My purpose for relaunching "Walks of Motherhood" is because of my son, Liam.
When he was four-years-old, he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Now that I think about it, shortly after his diagnosis is when the focus to my blog started to drift away. Making sure he had all the support and assistance he needed became my focal point and top priority. That time frame was overwhelming and a lot to process. And truthfully, I wasn't ready to share with the world our journey when we were so vulnerable.
Because, let's be honest, the world can be cruel and unkind when they don't understand something. And the last thing I wanted to do was expose my son to the judgment and harsh criticism of the world.
But now three years later post-diagnosis, I've learned there is so much the world doesn't know...and I've felt an urgency to be a resource.
Yes, the world has gotten better with accepting autism and bringing awareness. But, there's still some work to be done.
Here on "Walks of Motherhood" I plan to dive into what we've learned about autism and how we've been able to support our son. But also, I want for this platform to become a safe space for moms of all walks to share their story too.
I want for us all to be able to connect, to share, to learn, and to grow. I want for us to be able to tell our stories. I want for us to engage in conversations that may be hard to discuss. I want for us all to say the things we often time are thinking.
On this site, you'll find resources and advice that I've learned within my journey. As a disclaimer, I know I'm not perfect. Nor do I want to portray myself to be. Trust me when I say that I want to be as real as they come, because I genuinely believe that as moms it's what we need to see. THE REAL!
I'm looking forward to rebuilding this relationship with you all.
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